Sorri / Smile |
Em Lisboa, com o auxílio de um mapa, procurei a primeira casa que tinha visita marcada para as onze (sem me ter lembrado que o João estaria ocupado de manhã). A subida foi cansativa, mas lá, já perto do prédio, fui compensado com uma bela vista de Lisboa. Entrei, e a porteira, uma daquelas senhoras que fala por tudo e por nada, mostrou-me a casa e pôs-me ao corrente de tudo.
Nas traseiras, uma horta considerável chamou-me a atenção, e dadas as áreas, a luz e as vistas, sentia-me satisfeito. Via-me a viver ali e a conversa com o senhor que trata da horta, que também viajou muito quando era mais novo, ajudou a sentir o espírito bairrista, que encontrava também ser possível, ali.
Bebi um café no sítio mais próximo e investiguei os arredores onde encontrei mercearias, talhos, uma vista espetacular para o Castelo e o Tejo, um supermercado e umas piscinas. Senti-me novamente a descobrir, entusiasmado com esta nova aventura a que me propús. Lisboa.
It was day to go to Lisbon and visit the first houses. When waiting to take the bus in Montijo, near the neighborhood where I grew up, where my parents have their house and I, mine, it was good to exchange a few gestures of courtesy with a friendly and expansive mister that I usually see around that place.
In Lisbon, with a help of a map, I searched the first house that was scheduled to eleven a.m. (I forgot that João would be busy in the morning). Getting up there was tiring, but there, close to the building, I was rewarded with a beautiful view of Lisbon. I entered, and the portress, one of those ladies who can't stop talking, showed me the place and put me up to everything.
In the back, a beautiful garden caught my attention, and given the areas, the light and views, I felt satisfied. I saw myself living there and the conversation with the man who takes care of the garden, which also traveled a lot when he was younger, helped me to feel the parochial spirit, which I also found be possible, there.
I drank a coffee in the nearest place and investigated the surroundings where I found grocers, butchers, spectacular views of the Castle and the Tagus, a supermarket and a swimming pool. I felt discovering again, enthusiastic about this new adventure that I set. Lisbon.